Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Slowly but surely

Weight Watchers weigh in yesterday....another 1.4 lb down.....not sure how many more to go probably at least 20 more to go.....

I have been so tired lately.... get the energy up to exercise..... I know that in most cases exercise gives you more energy but with what ever is wrong inside my body that isn't always the way it works for me (at a minimum I have too much iron in my blood and it makes you feel exhausted) anyway when I feel that way I'm forcing myself to exercise at least 30 minutes.... These days of 100 degrees isn't helping either....I go to the stables in the afternoon to care for my horse Gracie and the barn is stifling! Oh well step by step I will work this weight off..... it may take me until Christmas but it will be worth it...Last 2 days I've been within my daily points! d

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