Monday, June 15, 2009

Good Morning

Just a quick post before I head off to start my work week.......I have stayed with in my daily points (Weight Watchers) and not used and of the flex points......the area where I'm falling behind is activity points. Last weekend I spent about 2 1/2 hours on Sat. and Sun on the treadmill......this weekend no such luck.....I waltzed down to the apt fitness room and the treadmill was already in use...time to punt...plan B. Well the up side is that I have been wanting to do some cross training.... so I came home and pulled on one of the 15 exercise DVD (not one of the 50 Belly Dancing DVD's that I own ; ) The lucky winner was one of Leslie Sasone's walking is more like walking aerobics and can be done in a very small space (good thing since my apt has a tiny living room/dining room combo) plus I used hand weights and 2lb weighted balls. Last night I did the same DVD but I have to say I did not want to work out ..... I have been feeling run down (it must be the mystery illness rearing its ugly head from 2 years ago ; (

But I forced myself to work out even if it was only for 30 minutes. I have to keep in mind I'm doing this for the long term and results may be slow at times.....tomorrow is weigh in...if I lost anything it will most likely be well under a lb. Keep your fingers crossed! di

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