Saturday, June 13, 2009

Budda Girl's Fabulosity Quest

Well....I decided it was appropriate to create a stand alone journal to document me quest to be Fabulous.....I turned 50 in April and did not feel the bit fabulous.....then there are all those commercials with Valerie Bertinelli in a itty bittybikini and she is about my age....well those 2 things got me to face my chubbiness and come to the conclusion I did not choose to be embarrassed to live my life, embarrassed to do the things I love to do, or dream to do or to glance into a mirror or seem myself in the reflection of a window and be disgusted. So on April 21st I made the plunge and stepped there the doors of Weight Watchers.....early that morning I checked out their website and they were having a special and I didn't have to pay a sign up fee.....I immediately signed up and hit the enter button .... I didn't want to chicken out! I went directly to a meeting at lunch time..... I had tried WW back in the 80's and was dreading the weigh in..... so much has changed..... you stand on a scale in front of a the reception desk and your weight reads on the computer on the desk so there is no clicking of weights being moved because your weight is over the 150 mark (like the scales at a doctors office) it is very discreet and you note your weight in your little booklet and hand it to you..... so it isn't as scary.... 7 weeks in I have lost a little over 15 lbs.... the critical mass is gone....thank goodness..... now I'm just plugging away. The amount I'm losing seems to be reducing (at least last week loss dis) so I'm trying not to get discouraged! I was weighing every morning and getting really depress if the scale read higher than the previous day. Now I'm doing a weight check on Sat. and then my official weigh in on Tuesday am. This morning I weighed and I've just lost .3 lbs since Tuesdays WW weigh in....I'm really going to have to work out today and tomorrow so I can aim for at least a loss of 1 lb....I'm trying to reach my 1st official goal of 16 lbs..... more later. Di aka ....Budda Girl.......aka.......Lucky Begonia

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