Friday, July 17, 2009

Burning out on exercise

Wow it's been been about 14 weeks on Weight Watchers and I'm burning out on making myself workout at least an hour a day during the week and over 2 hours a day on the weekend.... I just can't sustain it much..... I need to find a balance ......something I can continue on a ongoing basis....exercising and going to the barn to do my daily horsey chores eats up a good portion of each days free time.... I need time to delve into something creative......I have let too much time go by with nothing creative coming out of me .... I feel like so much is stuck inside of me with no outlet.....One of the effects of having too much iron in my blood is limited energy.....It comes on me swiftly and I feel like I have to lay down where ever I am and sleep ..... like body can't walk another step... it limits what I can do each day.... this extreme heat that we are experiencing in Texas just seems to make it worse!


1 comment:

  1. Thats a lot of exercise! I heard Jillian Michaels from the Biggest Loser talk about exercising less but exercising smarter while promoting one of her books. I like the sound of that.

    I'm like you, I need creative outlets, I find when I can put myself into a project its not only good for my mind, its good for my body because I don't have time to think too much about food.
